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Curious about our art Classes for kids?

6:45:00 PM

Exploring her art projected on the wall and ceiling from the overhead projector.

It is our belief at the Basement Community Art Studio that people are inherently creative. As we grow up we tend to begin to place labels on our creativity. Many of us decide that we are in fact "not creative." (More on that in Part two, Adult Classes at the studio.) Children, however are filled with a sense of wonder and creativity that never ceases to amaze me. Please read all about our fun and exciting classes for kids this Fall below! My name is Jennifer MacIsaac and I will be the instructor for the classes unless otherwise mentioned. You can check out my thoughts on teaching art here.

"Our task regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible. No one can do more."  -Loris Malaguzzi  (Founder of the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy.)
Fall Term 2017
(Aug. 7, 2017- Dec. 22, 2017)

 Messy Baby Art

In our studio we begin our classes with very young children. Once an infant can sit on their own we invite them to begin exploring art through an introductory sensory experience with painting. Our Messy Baby Classes are geared to infants roughly 6 mo. to 2 yes old. At this stage we begin by spreading large sheets of paper out on the floor and the child is encouraged to explore non-toxic children's tempera paint with a variety of tools from paint brushes, to sponges, and even feathers. This becomes a full body painting experience, and true to its name we all get very messy! Care giver participation is required in this class so please dress for a mess.

A very messy baby after a fun class!
Messy Baby Class is offered through the school year on a weekly basis and reservations are required, Mondays, 11:00-11:45 

Messy Art

With our next class we take the idea of sensory exploration a bit further. We invite toddlers and preschoolers age 2.5-4 to explore a wider variety of art materials and tools. Our focus is still on sensory exploration at this stage. In this class we begin offering simple demonstrations of various tools and mediums including: paint, drawing materials, stamps, glue, clay, and more. These items are offered but the child is able to explore other materials as their interested. Caregiver participation is required for this class so that the instructor is able to move spend time working with each child/caregiver group to introduce the materials. 
Toddlers and preschoolers exploring various artistic expression. Paining on a mirrored easel, exploring print making with found objects, painting with spray bottles and squeeze bottles.
 This class is sold by the month, and prices are based on a 4 week class however some months are prorated to accommodate holidays.
Wednesdays, 11:00-11:45

Reggio Inspired Process Art

For our next class we begin to work on a more structured class. This class is intended for children age 4-6. It is a very process oriented class and our projects will still be very sensory based but they will begin to involve more of a group focus. We will be exploring art through a Reggio Emilia inspired approach that uses art provocations to spark their creativity. We will begin to teach a variety of art mediums and tools which the children can use to explore their own thoughts and interests. We will work with observational art skills as well as interpretative art. We will use a variety of mediums in our exploration including: found objects, natural materials, markers, pastels, watercolor, tempera paint, clay, and more. At this stage caregivers are invited to stay but are welcome to explore the area shops and cafes during our class as well. I suggest you follow the needs of the child for this class. Some children do better when they work with the teachers one on one while others still may need a caregiver close by.
Students from our Reggio inspired summer camp, painting with natural brushes.

Various art explorations inspired by the Reggio approach. Gravity painting with an eyedropper, exploring clay, sewing on a prepared easel with yarn.
 This class is sold by the month, and prices are based on a 4 week class however some months are prorated to accommodate holidays.
Mondays, 4:00-4:45

School Aged Art Enrichment Classes

For our older kiddos age 7-teen we offer a variety of classes throughout the week which feature a different theme for each class. These classes attempt to mix an instructional portion of the class with an exploration portion to provide a balance between learning a skill and self expression.  Our homeschool classes are one hour and tend to focus more heavily on the skill or project but the student is encouraged to explore their own creativity within the confines of the project we are working on. Creative choices are offered with every project. Our after school classes are a bit longer 1.5 hours which allows us to work on the skill or project as described above plus we are able to dedicate between 30-45 min each class to open create time. This is a time for the students to choose their own work. They will have access to the studio materials to explore their own thoughts, ideas ,and artistic passions.  These are intended to be drop off classes and caregivers are encouraged to explore the area shops and cafes while we are in class. If you wish to stay that will be fine as well. Coffee and tea are onsite and there is a small lounge area for you to relax while we create. Students may also bring snacks to our after school classes if they would like. Classes are sold by the month, based on a 4 week month. Months with fewer or more weeks will be prorated. Please see the descriptions of the classes below:

Expressive Art Journaling for Teens 12-18

One of our independent study teen artists working on her Fashion illustration project.

Examples of expressive art journaling pages.
Mondays, 4:00-5:30 
Teens 12-18 
Instructor: Karen Byars
This class teaches mixed media art journaling techniques and focuses on using the creative process to get in touch with our own inner voice.

Clay: Ages 7-11- Info and photos will be updated soon!

This is a new class that will begin October 17th for a 5 week run! We will be posting a link with all the information soon, so stay tuned!! 
Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30
Age 7-11
If you are interested and want to get on the mailing list to be the first notified when this class opens, send me an e-mail with the name and age of the child who is interested in attending. thebasementartstudio@gmail.com

Painting: Ages 7-11

Painting large.

Exploring various watercolor techniques.
This class will focus on various painting skills including watercolor, tempera, and acrylic mediums. We will explore basic color theory, composition, and techniques within each project.

Ages 7-11 we have two classes:

Homeschool Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30 
$65, (1 hour)
After School Wednesdays, 4:00-5:30 
$85 (1.5 hours)

2D Mixed Media: Ages 7-11 

A mixed media self portrait project.

This class will explore a variety of 2D art mediums including, collage, drawing, and painting skills. We will work on ways to combine multiple mediums into our projects each week.

Ages 7-11 we have two classes:

After School Thursdays, 4:00-5:30 
$85 (1.5 hours)
Homeschool Fridays, 12:30-1:30 
$65, (1 hour)

3D Mixed Media: Ages 7-11

A hand built crab out of air dry clay.

Sculpture Challenge: A balance sculpture. Create a base out of wood and then balance a series of cardboard shapes without using tape or glue to attach the cardboard.

In this class students will explore a variety of hand building techniques using various 3D media including found objects, recycled materials, wood scraps, clay, and more. Students will explore their own creative interpretations of weekly challenges. 

Ages 6-11

After School Fridays, 4:00-5:30 
$85 (1.5 hours)

New Class, Saturdays: Meet The Masters Ages 8-12

Inspirations for our Meet the Masters Projects. 

This is a new class we will be offering and it will be led by our newest instructor, Karen Byars. You can read about Karen here. In this class students will study Helen Cordero, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and Paul Klee. The workshops will include a small 3D sculpture, accordion book making, drawing, and painting. Individual expressive creativity will be encouraged. This is a 4 week class beginning in October, with the possibility of extending the class if there is enough interest!

Ages 8-12

Saturdays, 9:30-11:00 
$105 (1.5 hours)

Open Studio Sessions

A beautiful home collaboration designed by these two sisters during their free exploration time.

We offer a variety of open studio sessions throughout the year. These are sessions open to the public to come in and work on their own using the materials in the studio. There is no set lesson or project during this time, and children must be accompanied by an adult. Please note that there may be classes going on during some of these open sessions. Food and drink are welcome in the studio.


Wednesdays & Fridays 
Walk in sessions $10 per artist
9:00-10:30 a.m- Coffee and Creative Play, the coffee is on us!
4:00-5:30 p.m.- All Ages Open Studio

Teen Studio $85 per month
12 & up, No need for adult supervision.
Teens may come in any afternoon, Tues-Fri to work on their own projects. This is a great time to work on portfolios! I will be available to consult, however I will be teaching other classes during these times so teens will need to be largely self motivated.

During School Holidays we often offer extended Open Studio hours for walk in artists of all ages as well as art camps like our Fall Break Mini Camp. Check our Special event section of our online store for special classes. We will also post special hours on our home page under the Studio Announcements and on Facebook. Check back often! 

Fall Break Mini Camp 

Thank you for checking out all of our fun and exciting Kid's Art Classes! Stay tuned for a post about our adult classes...

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