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Studio Time

7:00:00 AM

I have been fortunate this summer to have some play time of my own in the studio, and I have been having a great time playing with "spills" I have worked with alcohol ink spills, watercolor spills, and acrylic paint spills. I love to watch the pigments move and flow. I love how they change before your eyes! So fun and relaxing. With some of my spills, I have incorporated my other obsession, vintage ladies! I am always drawn to them. My favorite decades to pull from are the 1920s and 1930s, however you can see a bit more 1970s in one of them. I also love the contrast between the very fluid spills and the planned out and crisp Deco inspired ladies...

Here is some of what I have been working on:

The collection of the past few months.

A few of the pieces in more detail:

Alcohol Ink and Marker on Clayboard
Mixed Media, Acrylic and paper collage on Canvas Board
Alcohol Ink on Clayboard
Mixed Media, Acrylic and Paper Collage on Canvas
Alcohol Inks on Gessoboard
Watercolor on canvas
Alcohol Inks on Yupo
Mixed Media, Alcohol Inks and Acrylic on Clayboard

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