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New blog topics for 2017

6:00:00 AM

Honor the artist and creative spirit in all individuals.

So this year is the year of Growth for me, as I mentioned in my last post, and part of my growth plan is this blog. In 2017 I hope to streamline the blog a bit, give it a bit more focus, and grow my audience. The mission of the Basement Community Art Studio is to honor the artist and creative spirit in all individuals. It is our belief that all humans are creative and can benefit from cultivating their own creative paths. This blog is dedicated to helping people do just that!
It is my goal to post regularly on the following topics:

Around the Studio

This topic will focus on what is going on here in our studio including classes, highlights, news, and art from our various artists of all ages!

Give it a try...

This topic will focus on art and craft inspirations for you to try whether it is an art journal prompt, a project idea, or a tutorial this topic will help to inspire you to create art of your own. It will be geared to artists of all levels.

Inspired by...

This topic will be anything that helps to inspire the creative soul. It might be individual artists, groups, news stories, or interesting products that I come across that inspire me and which I hope will inspire you as well.
Pinwheels for peace image viaMy post

Artistic Play- Kids & Art

A large part of what we do in the studio revolves around children. Children are so amazing and creative! In this section I will share projects for kids and by kids. I will also share ideas and stories regarding art education for kids. 
As adults we can also learn a lot from how kids create, so feel free to try out these projects on your own as well ;) I know I will!

Cultivating Your Creative Self

This is a topic I am really excited about. As I mentioned before I believe that all people can benefit from cultivating their own creativity. There are so many studies discussing the benefits of art for the individual including lowering stress levels and increasing happiness and contentment. Who would not benefit from more of that! In this section we will look at ways to invite more creativity into our lives and why we should foster that creativity.

A Piece of Me

In this section I will share with you my own creative journey. I will share art I am working on, my personal creative inspirations, and what drives me to grow in my own creative path.

I hope you will join me on this creative adventure. I would love to hear from you along the way. Please feel free to comment on the posts, let me know what you think, ask questions, offer suggestions, or show of some of your own creative work!
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