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Introducing J. MacIsaac Studios

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J. MacIsaac Studios is the brand under which my husband and I create our art work. It was born in 2014 when we were living in a tiny little town in Washington state, Roslyn. There was a small gallery there called Hope Gallery. The gallery specialized in local art and supported area artists. Both my husband, Jason and I had some art in the gallery for sale. The gallery proprietor, Amanda was interested in having some postcards of the town to sell in the studio. Jason got to work. He began shooting iconic scenes from around this historic little town (best known as the backdrop for the popular TV show Northern Exposure). As he researched printing postcards he quickly realized that there was not a huge market for postcards and the cost did not really make sense for him to peruse, but he still wanted to use the shots in a way that would appeal to tourists. So he began transferring the images to wood panels that were postcard size (4x6). Next he added a larger size more suitable for hanging (8x12). We loved how these images looked on the wood. It was a natural match for his photographs.
The Brick sign, Washington's oldest continually run bar.
This is the print that started it all!

The Roslyn Cafe mural made famous by the TV show Northern Exposure.

As life has a tendency to do, ours changed. Our time in Roslyn came to an end and we were ready to move on. We decided to take the opportunity to focus more on our art and particularly the wood prints. We felt like we had a good product at a good price point that would appeal to a tourist market. So we decided to have an adventure, and the J. MacIssac studio Nomadic Art Project was created.
Our Original blog header.

We moved into a camper and hit the road photographing our travels along the way. We ran a blog and a FB page detailing our adventure further. We homeschooled the kids, sold art on Etsy and in various gift shops along our route. When we began the trip we were not sure how long we would travel, as it turned out we traveled for around 3 months. I have to say it was an amazing experience!
We ended our journey back in Knoxville TN, my home town where we once again set down roots.
Jason began working a full time job with Aries Energy and I Opened the art studio with my long time friend, Brynn.
As more and more of our focus turned to everyday life, J. MacIsaac Studios began to slow down. We were still selling our old images here and there, and we picked up a couple of Knoxville venues where we sold some regional shots, but for the most part it slowed.
We are ready now to gear it back up a little with plans to continue with our photos on wood, but add some new images, a high end product that features more of a fine art styling to Jason's photography, and some other categories of art as well.
As many of you know I have been doing a bit of painting recently and I have been sharing some of my latest paintings on the blog here.  I will now be including this work under the J. MacIsaac Studios label.
It is our goal this year to really push ourselves to create more, share more, show more, and sell more art! Currently we are working up some images for a local venue and hope to really expand in that direction. We are day dreaming and planning new adventures (shorter ones) where we will add more images to our library. We have plans to spend this year really growing our brand and putting our art out into the world. We would love for you to follow along. Our progress can be followed on our blog www.jmacisaacstudios.com  where I will post from time to time updates and offer sneak peaks at our new art, shows, and more! You can also read old posts there from the Nomadic Art project days.

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