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Magda Sayeg

6:17:00 PM


"Yarn bombingyarnbombingyarn storming, guerrilla knitting, kniffiti, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk." Wikipedia 

From Math major to founder of an art movement...
Visit her website to learn more about Magda and her work as a fiber artist.

I first learned of yarn bombing while I was living in Portland, OR. There was something about it that intrigued me. I have always loved fibers, being a Textiles major. I think it was more than that though. It was the craziness of it that interested me. Public art. Art that was not permitted or commissioned. Pops of color. I believe she compared it to graffiti, though done in such a way as to not cause damage to the existing structure...(this apeals to my rule following tendencies here,lol).
I was also interested in the logistics of such an Idea. Presumably the artist yarn bombs with some amount of anonymity, right? Are they sitting out at the stop sign or whatever in the middle of the night just knitting/crocheting away? Hmmm
Anyway I never thought of yarnbombing as having a founder, but as I was watching some Ted Talks this evening I came across Magda's (above). She began this movement by simply wanting to see in her words, "something warm and fuzzy and humanlike on the cold gray facade that I looked at every day."  She had no Idea she was starting a movement! It took off though and it got bigger than her.
Images pulled from image search; bottom left image from News Sentinel article mentioned below.

Have you ever considered yarnbombing? Have you seen it around town? I know a saw some small installations around Knoxville on a chain link fence in the Old City. I also found this article in the News Sentinel from 2013 about Yarn Bombing in East Knox...
What are your thoughts on Yarnbombing? Feel free to leave a comment.

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