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Creativity and Stress

11:48:00 AM

Tis the season...for busy schedules and added stress! Yes the Holidays are exciting and joyful but lets be honest they are also filled with stress! There is always somewhere to be, something to do and very little time to decompress. During the next couple of months try to carve out a little time to De-stress.

One great way to keep your stress levels in check is through a creative outlet. There are numerous articles and studies on the subject. Simply type in "creativity and stress" in the Google search bar and you will have a selection of articles to choose from like this one, "Art Therapy: Relieve Stress By Being Creative," by Elisabeth Scott, M.S. Stress Management Expert for About.com/health
In the article she discusses some of the reasons creativity can relieve stress, among them:

  • Distraction, being creative simply takes your mind off of everything else for a bit.
  • Flow, that near meditative state of complete focus.
  • Balance, you are taking care of yourself and giving priority to your needs through an enjoyable hobby.
The great news is there are many ways you can engage in the stress relieving benefits of creativity even if you don't consider yourself to be a creative person!

Some ideas are:
  1. Keep a journal, both writing and sketching are very helpful in reducing stress. Need some ideas? Check out Journal52.com an online art Journal club that issues weekly creativity prompts, and it is FREE! Feel free to also join our art journal club here in the studio. We follow the Journal 52 prompts, and meet monthly to share our experiences and learn new art journaling techniques from each other. Our next meeting is Wed. Dec 2nd. and we will be enjoying a demonstration by one of our members using Dylusions Paints! This event is free so come on out and check it out! Feel free to BYOB/Wine and a snack to share with the group if you wish.
  2. Work on a DIY project. Pinterest is full of great projects. Here are some I have completed in the studio, and all the supplies are available for you to come in and try them out for yourself. Stop by for any open studio session or special evening event to try one of these great projects or one of your own! 
  3. Take a Creative Class/Workshop. We offer several classes and workshops throughout the month to spark your creativity! Like this Holiday Card Making workshop on Friday evening.  Each month brings exciting new classes and Events to the studio and you can find out more by clicking here or sign up for our newsletter in the sidebar to have our monthly calendar sent to your inbox! 
  4. Start Coloring! Adult Coloring is all the rage right now with coloring nights popping up at local bars and other venues. Coloring is a great way to get creative even when you feel like you don't have a creative bone in your body! It can be quite relaxing to take a beautiful drawing and make it more beautiful by adding color! Want to give it a try? Come on in to the studio we have a selection of coloring sheets to choose from and your choice of mediums to color them with including: Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, Sharpies, Gel Pens, Oil Pastels, and chalk Pastels. There is something for everyone!
I challenge you cut the stress out of your holiday season with a little creativity!

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