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Art Journal Club!

5:06:00 PM

Hello Everyone, I just wanted to let you all know about our Art Journal Club. We are taking an online challenge called Journal52. This is a free online art journal prompt group. The way it works is that each week around Friday or Saturday a new prompt is issued. You can sign up on the site at any point to start receiving the prompts in your inbox. They are very general prompts and are open to interpretation. All levels and ages can participate in the challenges, and you can start at any time during the year. The Idea is to get your creative juices flowing, and it's a ton of fun!
As for our club, we are thinking of it as similar to a book club event. We meet here in the Studio the Last Wed. of each month and share our journaling experiences. (Though Nov and Dec. will be combined into a single meeting on Wed. the 2nd as both of the usual dates fall over holiday breaks!) So far we have only met three times, but I feel like our group is beginning to gel! Last meeting we adopted a bit of a structure which made the whole meeting feel more cohesive. We will be keeping that up for future meetings.  Here is a look at what a typical meeting will look like:
6:20-6:30- gather and socialize. (Snacks and beverages are welcome)
6:30-6:45- Introductions for any new members
6:45-7:00- Those who want to can share their Journal
7:00-7:15- Brief demonstration by a volunteer member on a technique or medium they enjoy.
7:15-7:30- Explore, time to check out the demoed materials!
7:30- Close Meeting
Meetings are FREE and as an added bonus you receive 20% off regular open studio fees if you choose to come into the studio to work on the prompts!

Some Examples From My Art Journal

Prompts: Key, ask, Tree, I am, Hope
To see other examples of prompts or other peoples Journals please check out Journal52. If you would like to Join us simply sign up on the Journal 52 website to get the weekly prompts or Check here on our blog for the current weeks prompt. Follow our FB page and sign up for our newsletter in the side bar to receive our meeting updates as well as other fun events and classes scheduled throughout the month!

This weeks Prompt is: "Hauntingly Beautiful" This is going to be a fun one! I look forward to seeing all of the interpretations at our next meeting Wednesday Dec 2nd...

Happy Arting!

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