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Why Creativity is for Everyone and How You Can Find Yours

12:11:00 PM

It is my firm belief that every person young and old can benefit from a creative outlet! I hear so many adults say, "I don't have a creative bone in my body." What I hear though is that someone at some point in their life told them that they were not an artist. As we grow up our inhibitions take over we lose that childhood ability to just go for it. The truth that I believe in though is that each and every person is capable of creativity, of making art. Each and every person can benefit from nurturing this inner creativity. That is not to say that we will all be professional artists or master artists but we can all reap the benefits of allowing creativity into our lives.

What are some of the benefits you might ask?

  • Increased sense of well being
  • Decreased levels of depression
  • Decreases stress levels
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Enhanced problem solving skills
  • Boosts brain function
  • Boosts self expression 
Here is a great video about the healing properties of art.
Benefits from art are not just for people who have experienced trauma, however.. The average person can also benefit from art. Just look at the explosion of adult coloring events recently! Everyone can benefit from lower stress and an increased sense of well-being, right?

"Great!" you might say, "but I have no idea where to start." Well here are some ideas to get you started. Bonus, creativity sparks creativity! Once you get started you will likely be led naturally to more and more ideas. So take that first step...
  • Coloring sheets- This is an easy one. the drawing is already done all you need to do is pick one you like. Gather some crayons, colored pencils, markers, or pens, and start filling in shapes with color. Make it a social event by joining a group. Many community centers, libraries, art studios, and even bars offer coloring events. 
  • Take a class. Most communities offer art classes in various mediums and at various skill levels. Here are some classes offered at our studio. If you are local and want a less structured way to get creative consider coming to one of our Open Studio sessions.
  • Start an art journal or keep a sketch book. There are so many great resources on the web for art prompts. On this blog I have recently started a series of weekly art prompts check them out here each Monday. The ones that I feature are selected from various blogs and artists I follow on the web. I choose one each week that I feel inspired by and that I think will be appropriate for all ages and skill levels. If you are interested in a more advanced and open ended series of prompts check out journal52.com.
  • Collage. Collages can be simple or complex. You can start by simply compiling pictures that resonate with you and progress to building new images out of cut or ripped paper.

  • Zentangle, a meditative doodling technique. Check out your local studios to see if there are classes offered. At our studio we offer Zentangle Club monthly led by a local CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher). If there is nothing in your area check out Pinterest for Zentangle inspiration. There are also a lot of great Zentangle books out there that will help you get started.
  • Don't forget visual arts are not the only ways to expand your creativity and reap the benefits of doing so. Consider music, dance, drama, story telling among others. Visual arts is just what we specialize in here...
So what are you waiting for? Start Creating!

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