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Art Journal Mondays!- Prompt 1

11:42:00 AM

Last year we had an art journal club that met each month. It seemed to peter out after a while but I am still very interested in art journaling as I believe that in order to spark creativity one has to start creating! I think that the idea of having a weekly prompt to get the brain going is very helpful for everyone. Creative newbies often don't know where to start and a prompt can help give them a great starting point. Practiced artists often get locked into their own style and prompts can help them to explore a bit outside of their comfort zone.

I have decided that this year instead of having a monthly meeting I would offer weekly prompts to get you going! If you however are interested in a monthly social art club, please check out our Zentangle club, we would love to have you!

It is my goal to provide you with a prompt each Monday, so be sure to check back often. Feel free to leave comments on the weekly post and share your work there I would love to see what you have done.

The prompts that I will share are ones that I have found from different sources online. I will link to the original post where possible in case you wish to find out more about them. I will also post my take on the prompt when I finish one.

Bonus! If you would like to work on your prompt in the studio using our supplies pop in on one of our regularly scheduled Open Studio Hours and get 20% off a session when you bring your journal to work on!

This week's Prompt  (Prompt 1)

Img via Emily Newburger
Lines: Brought to to by Emily Neuburger of emilyneuburger.com. Emily's blog/webpage is one that I found recently and I fell in love! She is an artist a writer and a teacher. She does some very interesting projects combining art and storytelling. This prompt is from her Creative Spark page and you can see her full post about it here.
I love this prompt for it's simplicity and its possibility! 
Here is my take on the prompt:

I did two the first one I used the sharpie to draw the lines and then I went in with a white oil pastel to add some detail lines. I went over the whole thing in watercolor pencil, but the resist lines did not show up as I was hoping so I did a second one in just the white oil pastel with watercolor paint. I was happier with that result. The colors were better so i went over the first one again with the watercolor paint for richer color. I chose not to leave any white space on mine but I think if I were to do it again I might leave some because I really like the look on hers. Anyway, it was a quick and fun little prompt!

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